Child Sexual Assault Assessment Centre
Core services
Services for:
Young people
The Child Sexual Assault Assessment Centre (CSAAC) provides a service for children and young people from 0-16 years of age who have disclosed sexual abuse or assault or where it is suspected that it may have happened.
When a child or young person comes to the Centre, they will come with either a social worker, or a specially trained police officer and one or both of their parents/carers. The child or young person can talk to the nurse and the doctor about what has happened, and they can have a check-up (an examination) to check they are okay.
The service covers York and North Yorkshire and is located at York Hospital.
The Centre is only able to see children and young people who are referred by a social worker or the police. It is not a self-referral service, and so this means it is not confidential. This is because the service is for children and young people who are under 16 and nurses, doctors, the police and social workers need to know what has happened so they can help and support the child/young person.